1990-2005 Mazda Miata Performance Parts : Exhaust Accessories
Racing Beat Recommended Accessories:

EGR Cover Plate (Intake manifold) - 94-05 Miata
This cover plate can be used to block off the intake manifold EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) outlet for all 1994-05 Miata. On 94-97 and 01-05 Miata, this cover plate must be used along with the Racing Beat EGR cap and the factory EGR pipe can... »more
Price: $16.98 ADD »

Miata Header - 99-00 Miata
Racing Beat Header
1999-2000 Miata
Racing Beat Miata Headers for the 1999-2000 Miata (manual transmission only) are the result of exhaustive research and engineering efforts, utilizing both chassis dynamometer and road testing. Our Racing Beat... »more
Price: $579.69 ADD »