1990-2005 Mazda Miata Performance Parts : Exhaust Components
Racing Beat Recommended Accessories:

Rubber Exhaust Hanger - 90-97 Miata
These genuine Mazda exhaust system hangers can be used to replace the old, worn rubber original units on your 1990-97 Miata exhaust system. If you are installing a new Racing Beat exhaust system it's worth considering the replacement of the... »more
Price: $8.44 ADD »

Miata Header - 90-93 Miata
Racing Beat Miata Headers for the 1990-1993 Miata (manual transmission only) are the result of exhaustive research and engineering efforts, utilizing both chassis dynamometer and road testing. Our Racing Beat Miata headers incorporate a tuned 4-to-1... »more
Price: $579.69 ADD »

Miata Header - 94-97 Miata
Racing Beat Exhaust Header
1994-97 Miata
Racing Beat Headers for the 1994-1997 Miata (manual transmission only) are the result of exhaustive research and engineering efforts, utilizing both chassis dynamometer and road testing. Our Racing Beat headers...
Price: $579.69 MORE INFO »