1990-2005 Mazda Miata Performance Parts : Exhaust Gaskets
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Muffler Gasket - 99-05 Miata
Muffler Gasket - This do-nut gasket is used between the connecting pipe and rear muffler on 1999-05 Miatas. This gasket can be used as a replacement with the Racing Beat or factory muffler. (This gasket is a different size than the similar appearing... »more
Price: $14.01 ADD »

Header Gasket - 99-05 Miata
Header Gasket 1999-05 Miata - This gasket is required for correct fitment of a header or exhaust manifold on the 1999-05 (1800cc) Miata. This genuine Mazda gasket can be used as a replacement for use with the stock exhaust manifold or an aftermarket... »more
Price: $23.68 ADD »

Miata Header - 99-00 Miata
Racing Beat Header
1999-2000 Miata
Racing Beat Miata Headers for the 1999-2000 Miata (manual transmission only) are the result of exhaustive research and engineering efforts, utilizing both chassis dynamometer and road testing. Our Racing Beat... »more
Price: $579.69 ADD »

Race Header Kit - 99-00 Miata
This Racing Beat Race Header Kit is intended for the installation of a 1999-2000 Miata Racing Beat header into a California Emissions Equipped Model (CEEM). Several states now sell California emissions equipped models, to determine if your car is equipped... »more
Price: $115.22 ADD »