1990-2005 Mazda Miata Performance Parts : Flywheels
Racing Beat Recommended Accessories:

Mazda Clutch Throwout Bearing - 90-05 Miata (All)
Normally, a throwout bearing does not require replacement unless it has been "abused" or is noisy during clutch engagement and/or disengagement. If there is any roughness during inspection, this is good cause for replacement. From... »more
Price: $79.01 ADD »

Trans Seal and Gasket Kit -5 Speed - 90-05 Miata
Transmission Seal and Gasket Kit 1990-05 (5-Speed transmission) - We offer a seal and gasket kit to reduce the likelihood of front or rear seal leakage after transmission re-installment. Our experience has shown that once a transmission has been removed... »more
Price: $41.00 ADD »

Trans Seal--Front and Rear--Kit -6 Speed - 99-05 Miata
Transmission Seal Kit 1999-05 (6-Speed transmission) - We offer a front and rear seal kit to reduce the likelihood of front or rear seal leakage after transmission re-installment. Our experience has shown that once a transmission has been removed and... »more
Price: $46.00 ADD »