Mazda Protege Performance Parts : Flywheels

Mazda Protege Performance Parts : Flywheels : Mazda OEM Clutch Throwout Bearing 06-144 MX-5 (All) & 02-03 Protege 2.0L

Mazda OEM Clutch Throwout Bearing
06-144 MX-5 (All) & 02-03 Protege 2.0L

RB Part Number: 52609


Price: $88.81


Mazda OEM Clutch Throwout Bearing - 06-144 MX-5 (All) & 02-03 Protege 2.0L - Detail 1

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Mazda OEM Clutch Throwout Bearing
06-144 MX-5 (All) & 02-03 Protege 2.0L

This genuine Mazda OEm bearing is intended for use on all 2006-2014 MX-5 (5-sp/6-sp transmissions) and 2002-2003 Protege/Protege5 2.0L applications.

Normally, a manual transmission throwout bearing does not require replacement unless it has been "abused" or is noisy during clutch engagement and/or disengagement. If there is any roughness during inspection, this is good cause for replacement. From an "insurance" standpoint, as long as you are removing the transmission for clutch work, it is easier to replace the bearing at the same time, rather than perhaps replacing it halfway through the life of your clutch assembly.

Genuine Mazda PartGenuine Mazda Part.

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